The #RoadAboutRio of the week will be in Niterói! With many attractions focused on its nature, history, culture and gastronomy.

Tips and / or suggestions for Roadmap in Rio de Janeiro? Share with us! Do you miss a neighborhood script? Just ask, we add in the list for the next! :)

Script Tour About Rio

Niterói, a municipality in the Metropolitan Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, has a part of its coast facing the Atlantic Ocean and another to the Guanabara Bay, with a beautiful view of Rio de Janeiro reliefs. A day of walking is not enough to know everything, but it is enough to marvel at one of its main beauties.

For those who leave from Rio de Janeiro, the tour begins in the boats, for those who is not going by car. The boat leaves from Praça XV (Downtown) towards the Charitas beach (about 20 minutes of crossing).

(The points described here are not close, we recommend that you hire a car if you do not have it or taxi/uber to get around all of them.)

See also:

  • Restaurants with a view in Rio de Janeiro
  • Script in the Center of Rio: Contrast between the New and the Old
  • Adventures with AboutRio

Parque da Cidade de Niterói (Niterói City Park)

Parque da Cidade | Foto de About Rio | Roteiro Niterói
Parque da Cidade | About Rio Photo

How about to start with a delicious breakfast with one of the most beautiful views of Niteroi to the reliefs of Rio?! (For the brave, how about a Delta Wing or Parachute jump from this incredible look?)

Itacoatiara beach

Very sought after by surfers and non surfers, and for the trillers, from here a easy trail goes to Costão de Itacoatiara, the view is very beautiful! Worth the ride.

(If you are coming by car, prepare to waste time trying to find a place here to parking during  the weekends in the summer)

Praia de Itacoatiara | Foto de Diego Drumond | Roteiro Niterói
Itacoatiara Beach | Diego Drumond photo

Seu Antônio Restaurant

Always full, arrive early to avoid the queue or go prepared to spend some time enjoying the bar (which is in front) until it is called, always full but worth it.

Restaurante Seu Antônio - Foto divulgação
Seu Antônio Restaurant- Photo Disclosure

Market São Pedro

Another lunch option is fresh seafood at São Pedro Market. Although it is not a very beautiful environment nor is it in the best location of the city, São Pedro Market is almost a sacred institution in Niterói for those who like fresh seafood. It is possible to buy at great prices all kinds of fish, shrimp, lobsters and other fresh seafood in the more than 30 boxes of different fishmongers on the first floor, which receive the early morning fishermen’s stuff. And for those who like to eat, but there is not much fan of cooking, there is still the option of buying the seafood and give to one of the bars and restaurants on the second floor of the market prepare, for you to eat along with a very cold beer And snacks from the establishment. One of the most classic programs in Niterói.

Mercado de São Pedro | Foto de Robert Trindade
Mercado de São Pedro | Robert Trindade photo

Popular Theater Oscar Niemeyer

Situated on the shores of Guanabara Bay, the Oscar Niemeyer Popular Theater opens the Niemeyer Way.

The Popular Theater is one of the works that integrate the Niemeyer Way, next to MAC, it forms a cultural and tourist complex of the city of Niterói designed by Oscar Niemeyer, being the largest architectonic set under construction in the Americas. In addition, Popular Theater has a program that goes beyond a theater, increasing contact with all the arts, uniting music, photography, dance, painting, leisure and theater in one place.

Teatro Popular | Foto de About Rio | Roteiro Niterói
Popular Theater| About Rio photo

MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art

With the shape similar to a cup, or a Flying Disc, designed by the architect Oscar Niemayer. In addition to the exhibits, the almost 360-degree view of Guanabara Bay and its architecture is a sight to behold.

MAC - Museu de Arte Contemporânea | Foto de About Rio | Roteiro Niterói
MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art | About Rio Photo

Fortress of Santa Cruz

Located in front of the Vermelha Beach. It was the main defensive of the Guanabara Bay and the Rio de Janeiro port in periods of colony and Brazilian empire, defending of Dutch and French invasions. The site offers an hourly guided tour with an average time of 45 minutes.

Fortaleza de Santa Cruz | Foto de About Rio | Roteiro Niterói

Caneco gelado do Mário (“Mario’s ice bucket“)

Looks like dirty foot, but one of the best cod cakes in town and ice-cold beer in aluminum mugs. Located in Downtown, many consider the best Niteroi bar.


For those who enjoy a samba, with a disputed samba table. With more than 20 years of history, the Candongueiro samba wheel is considered one of the best and most traditional of Rio de Janeiro.

Script Tour About Rio

Information from the Niterói Road Map for one day

  1. Barca Praça XV (Centro do Rio) – Praia da Charitas

Praça Quinze de Novembro, 21 – Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ | Daily from 5:30h until 00h. | 0800 721-10-12

2. Parque da Cidade de Niterói

Estrada da Viração – São Francisco | Daily from 9h until 18h. (Em horário de verão, fecha às 19 h)| Contato: +55 (21) 2610-3157 / 0800-282-77-55 | Gratuito

3. Praia de Itacoatiara

Note: If you go by car, arrive early to secure your place.

Cost of Itacoatiara: It is the left of who arrives on the beach. Hours of operation from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

4. Seu Antônio Restaurant

Rua Doutor Heleno de Gregório, 312 – Cafubá, Niterói – RJ | Contact: +55 (21) 2619-6584 /

6. São Pedro Market

Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 55, Ponta D´Areia, Niterói | +55 (21) 2620-3446 | De terça a sábado das 6h às 16h e aos domingos, das 6h às 13h

7. MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art

Mirante da Boa Viagem, s/nº. Niterói, RJ | +55 (21) 2620-2400 | Preço: R$ 10,00 (Free entrancy on wednesday)

More info here

8. Fortress of Santa Cruz

Estrada General Eurico Gaspar Dutra, Jurujuba/ Niterói – RJ |  From Tuesday to Sunday, from 10h to 17h30. (Until 7 pm in summer time) – Guided tours every hour. | +55 (21) 2710-7840 | R$ 6,00 whole and R$ 3,00 half

9. Caneco gelado do Mário

Rua Marquês de Caxias, 6 – Centro, Niterói

10. Candongueiro

Estrada Velha de Maricá, 1554 (Pendotiba)ópia-de-RoteiroAboutRio3-1-1024x512.pngópia-de-RoteiroAboutRio3-1-150x150.pngRenata FelerScriptsAbout Rio,Carioca,Cidade Maravilhosa,Dicas cariocas,dicas de programação,dicas de programação com criança,dicas de restaurantes,Dicas Rio de Janeiro,local tips,melhores restaurantes,Mercado São Pedro,niteroi,Niteroi tips,niteroi tour,o que fazer de graça no Rio,o que fazer em Niterói,O que fazer no Rio,O que fazer no Rio de Janeiro,O Que fazer Rio de janeiro,Where to eat,onde ir,one day in Niteroi,parque da cidade,Parque da Cidade de Niterói,Passeio,restaurantes,Rio,Rio de janeiro,RJ,Roteiro Niteroi,tour,Turismo,what to do in Niteroi,Where to eat in NiteroiThe #RoadAboutRio of the week will be in Niterói! With many attractions focused on its nature, history, culture and gastronomy. Tips and / or suggestions for Roadmap in Rio de Janeiro? Share with us! Do you miss a neighborhood script? Just ask, we add in the list for the next!...The best of Rio de Janeiro at a click!