Typical Carioca dishes: The TOP 10
Must say that Rio de Janeiro has no typical dishes, but they’re wrong, the following list is made by the AboutRio of foods typically cariocas. And for you? What are they?
1. Biscoito Globo and Lemon Matte
It may not be a dish, but it’s the most carioca snack that exists. Go to the beach and not take a Matte with lemon and Biscoito Globo is not knowing the main essence of the carioca.
Acai berry! Can be with granola, banana, strawberry, Guarana, peanut butter cups and what else your imagination. Perfect for a beach post.
3. Feijoada carioca

Can say it is in all around Brazil, but the black beans from Rio de Janeiro certainly has a special flavor. Even more when accompanied with farofa with eggs that only carioca can do! This delicacy, created by slaves, is traditional in samba places in the citty. (Perfect when accompanied with Caipirinhas!)
4. Oswaldo Aranha Steak
Born in Rio de Janeiro, some say every day the diplomat and politician Gaucho Oswaldo Aranha (1894-1960) asked for the same food every day in the Cosmopolitan Restaurant, in Lapa, giving rise to the name “Oswaldo Aranha steak ” (steak seasoned with garlic fried, accompanied with potatoes, white rice and farofa with eggs). Today the dish can be found in almost all restaurants in Rio de Janeiro.
5. Bolinho de bacalhau (Cod cakes)

As a delicious heritage of Portugal, the cod cakes always accompanied with dripped oil, is much in demand in local bars. Many are specialized homes options in these delicious cupcakes.
6. Bolinho de Feijoada (Bean cakes)

Bolinho de feijoada ‘s success in Rio de Janeiro, served with caipirinha and crackling.
7. Caldo Verde
All right, all right. is Portuguese too, right? One more Portuguese heritage that left to the cariocas, when it is cold we all seek this soup to warm us.
8. Filé com fritas (Steak with fries)

Yes, it’s all over the world, but here it is mandatory to eat once a week! If you have a dish that is unanimity in Rio de Janeiro, is Steak and fries, hard you don’t find this dish in a pub in the city.
9. Frango Assado de Padaria (Roasted chicken baked)
Ran out of idea or time to prepare lunch on Sunday? Just ask the roast chicken from the bakery, also known as “tv dogs”.
10. Podrão
We call “Podrão” are the street stalls and trailers with incremented sandwiches offered by the city. End of night, after work, lunch ran … when hunger squeezes and the money is short “Podrão” is salvation. How to speak of typical dishes and not to mention so sought after “Podrão”? RS
Hot Dog “Podrão” takes corn, peas, potatoes, grated cheese, egg, olives, raisins and all your imagination wants. In addition to the options of the most increased burgers, pizzas, …
Forget any? Share with us the typical dishes of traditional carioca! 🙂
https://blog.aboutrio.com.br/en/2015/09/01/10-pratos-tipicos-carioca/https://blog.aboutrio.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/feijoadap.jpghttps://blog.aboutrio.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/feijoadap-150x150.jpgScriptsbolinho de bacalhau,Carioca,Cidade Maravilhosa,feijoada,Gastornomia carioca,gastronomia,local,o que comer,o que comer no RIo,O Que fazer Rio de janeiro,pão de queijo,podão,pratos cariocas,pratos típicos,Rio,Rio de janeiro,Rio de Janeiro; Coisas de Carioca; Manual Carioca; Pão de Queijo; Açaí; Prato Típico; Feijoada; Feijão Preto; Oswaldo Aranha; Dicas; Dica Rio; Dica Carioca; O que fazer,RJMust say that Rio de Janeiro has no typical dishes, but they're wrong, the following list is made by the AboutRio of foods typically cariocas. And for you? What are they? 1. Biscoito Globo and Lemon Matte It may not be a dish, but it's the most carioca snack that exists....Zé Carioca carlos@aboutrio.com.brUserAbout Rio

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